Friday, December 17, 2010

Korean Subway System vs. New York Metro

This isn't even a contest, Korea wins by a landslide.  I'm not even sure how I can even begin to explain Korea's subway system but man it is wayyy better than New York.

Okay, let's see.  Let's start with the outside the station.  So similar to NY, there are multiple entrances/exits for a station.  The best thing about Korea is that each exit has a number so it's easy to give people directions (ex: go to Sinchon Station and meet me at exit 3).  

Then going downstairs.  Here is the elevator that I'm used to - Ewha's elevator:

I can even talk about the stairs- they have a lane for bikes so that they it's easier for people to carry their bikes down! 

Not only that, but some stations have bike stations where you can safely store your bikes for some time!

Also, there are bumps on all the floor for blind people to walk on so they know where they're going!

The best part of Korean's subway system is that it's basically idiotproof.  You can't get lost - they have signs and people helping you!  First they have a digital machine that allows you to see what the street looks like outside, which station you need to go to and you can use the phone by paying with your Tmoney card.

Also, there is a Tourist Information booth in almost all the stations so you can ask for help!

There are also maps everywhere! 

this tells you what's around you when you exit the train!

In some stations, there are lockers where you can store things:

Also, the bathrooms are SOOOO clean in Korea!  I don't have a picture of it but if you know me, you know I can't use public bathrooms so the fact that I will use Korea's subway's bathrooms is saying a lot.  They also have vending machines outside for toiletries and stuff and it's so cheap!

Buying your ticket.  You can purchase a Tmoney card at these booth and it's so easy to use.  

Also, in some subway stations there are a lot of things to do!  Korea is famous for their underground shopping market:

Or, in this case, this subway station has a art gallery!

Okay, now let's go inside.  So similar to many Asian subways, you have to use your ticket to enter the tracks and to exit as well.  They charge you based on the distance.  The minimum is 900won and if you go really far, the maximum is 1200 won which is extremely cheap compared to NY's 2.25 per ride!

There is a safely door that prevents people from jumping into the tracks!

Also, some stations have televisions broadcasting commercials so although it's very materialistic, you can't get bored!   Also, some station has screens that tell you when the next train will arrive!

Also there are vending machines everywhere so you can buy a drink or a snack - it's very cheap!

Now, each door to the subway, also has a number so it makes it easy to meet people.  Say you're meeting a friend at the station and she's already on the train.  She can tell you which subway car she's in by telling you which door number she's in.

Now, inside the subway.  Each car has a designated area for old people, handicapped, people with infants and for pregnant people. I think this is great because in NY, not everyone would give up their seats for these people.

It's also very clean and the seats are comfortable:


Here's a bonus section on the BUS system!  It's also very convenient to use.  It took me awhile to master but after awhile, I got used to it.  So bus stops have a screen that tells you when the next bus is coming:

There are many different types of buses.  Some of them are big and some are smaller.  Here's a picture of what the book looks like both outside and inside:

So in conclusion, Korean's metro rocks!

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