Sunday, November 21, 2010

이승기 (Lee Seung Gi)'s Concert!

I fell in love with 이승기 since I saw him on X-Man a few years ago.  Then this year, I saw him star in 2 dramas: Shining Inheritance and My Girlfriend is a Gumiho and I fell in love with him all over again!  When I heard that he was having a concert, I immediately bought my ticket!  Unfortuantely, Yuka and I couldn't get VIP tickets b/c they were all sold out but we got the second best seats for only 99,000 won!!  It actually turned out to be better than VIP tickets b/c our seats were leveled but VIP tickets were all on one floor so if a tall person sits in front of're screwed.

So today, Yuka and I left Ewha at 2pm and headed for the Olympic Stadium which took about 45 minutes to get there.  Then we headed to the Gymnastic Hall to buy 이승기 stuff :)  I bought a sweater for 29,000 won and a glow stick for 5,000.  Since 이승기 is the spokesperson of many items these days (toothpaste, kimchee, Fubu clothes, Saem beauty products and more) we also got some free stuff!

Then there were 이승기 cutout boards so I took some pics of course :)

We lined up at around 4:45pm and after waiting in line for about 20 minutes we got inside!  We got settled and took more pics :)


this says, "really really LIKE YOU!"  Of course I love him but I'm quoting from Gumiho

This says, "이승기 oppa, your wife is here :)

we bought sweater and glow sticks :)

They said we're not allowed to take pictures or videos but unlike Taeyang's concert, the security wasn't tight at all so I took plenty of pics!  First they showed 이승기's commercials and gosh he's so freaken cute!!!

Fubu clothes

KB card

Saem products


Then he came out and started to sing!  This blog will be mostly pics but as always for more pictures, visit my facebook or my Picasa album.  Some of the pics might be a bit blurry but I did my best :)

Then they showed some videos of 이승기 doing charity work...he has such an awesome heart!

Followed by more singing :)

Then it was the Gumiho portion of the concert!  First they showed behind the scenes of him in Gumiho and then he sang the theme song!

Then 이선희 came and sang 여우비 which is another theme song of Gumiho!

Followed by No Min Woo who plays the second male character in Gumiho!  I didn't know he sing!  It was so amazing!!!

Then 이승기 came out and sang more and then Shin Min Ah (she plays Gumiho) came out!!  She didn't sing but held his hand and talked to the audience!

After that the whole cast of Gumiho came out!  이승기, Shin Min Ah, No Min Woo, Park Soo Jin and Kim Ho Chang.  There was a female host but I don't know who she is.  They all talked for awhile but I don't know what they were saying :(

After that 린, a female singer came out and sing.  After one song, 봉구 of 길구 봉구 came out and sang 둘이 하나 with her which is another song in Gumiho.

The Gumiho section is over then and 이승기 came out and sang more songs...

Then out of no where Park Soo Jin (evil girl in Gumiho) came back out and sang a song with 이승기!!  I didn't know she can sing but she sings very well!

After that 이승기's assistants came out to help him change into another costume.  It was funny b/c when people saw his assistant taking off his coat, the audience thought they he was going to be naked so they started to scream.  But when they saw that he was just putting on a vest, they were like...pssh haha.  Then 이승기 said he was sweating and needed a towel and someone screamed they had one so he got it from her.  Then he gave the towel back to her...which I think is gross but I bet that girl was ecstatic.

Then he decided to teach the audience a few steps of a dance that will be part of the song he will sing later.  Oh it was so cute and the steps were so simple!  Just move your hands up and down and side to side!

Then we were showed some video clips from his 2007 and 2009 concerts which had to do with disco music and dancing...

Then they asked...what will his 2010 concert be like?  Oh gosh, flashy outfits and karaoke style song!!

Then they showed a video clip of 3 guys introducing the next/last segment of his concert...They asked a the advertisement for 이승기's concert shows 이승기 being a rock star...but his image has never been that way...can he do it??

Of course he can!  OMG...이승기 is such an amazing rock singer!  His voice is so different when he sings rock and he can def. rock it out!  More pics on facebook!!!!

He collaborated with a rock group that's pretty famous in Korea I believe because everyone was screaming when he interviewed the bass player, drums and guitar guy.

Towards the end of his concert, he was totally rocking it out and everyone was out of their seats and jamming to it too!!!

After he left, everyone screamed Encore!!  And of course, he came out and talked about how much he appreciates his fan and everything.  He cried a bit and everyone was screaming "don't cry!"   Then he sang 2 mellow songs...

It was such an awesome concert!  Yuka and I stayed for a few minutes b/c we were hoping he'll come out again (like Taeyang did) but he didn't...we did take more pics tho :)

This is definitely the best concert I've been to so far.  I didn't expect the cast of Gumiho to come out and to see other guest celebrities.  이승기's energy was amazing the whole time and he really is a charming fellow!  Gosh I love his dimples and he can really sing and dance!  I definitely like his concert more than Rain's in NYC...I think I like 이승기 more than Rain right now :)  I wish I know more Korean because 이승기 talked a lot but I didn't understand anything :(  Oh wells, there will always be next time :)

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