Thursday, November 18, 2010

캐롤 씨's surprise party :) 11/17/2010

As I've mentioned in my last post, my Korean class is pretty close.  November 17th was Carol's Birthday and so we decided to throw her a surprise party (my genius idea :) but Tim, Ayaka and Windie helped organize everything!)  We met up at 8am instead of the usual 8:10 to get the cake ready and to write in her birthday card.

pretty chocolate cake!  It says Congratulations b/c Koreans say congrats when you age.

writing in the birthday card

pretty cake!!

Tim lighting the candles...

We were in another room so when Carol arrived, she walked into an empty classroom...that's when we all went in and surprised her!

she's surprised!!

singing happy birthday

blow out your candles!

and cut the cake!  It's a Hong Kong thing where you don't let the knife touch the bottom of the cake b/c if you do, you won't have a boyfriend.

Here's a picture of her card:

Windie is so artistic!

with love from all of us!

Have an awesome birthday Carol, my Hong Kong friend :)

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