Sunday, August 29, 2010

Weekend at Anyang :)

I've been staying with Amy Min (my unni) in the province of Anyang and it's been fun :)  Unfortunately it's been raining a lot here and according to the 10-day forecast, it's not going to stop anytime soon. 

pet snacks!!
Since I'm a smart girl, I was not jetlag b/c I didn't sleep on the plane so I can sleep right away when I landed at night in Seoul.  On Saturday, Amy and I walked around her area.  First we went to a department store call Lotte so I can buy an umbrella but I didn't like any of it.  Then we went downstairs (OMG the escalator is so cute! - pic included).  They have a whole aisle dedicated to dog snacks - there's a duck snack too...weird!  Oh and the seaweed here is so cheap! 

Look at's just straight down!
So cheap!!  1,620 is less than 1.60 USD!  Funny story: After I took this picture, the salesperson went up to me and asked why I took the picture..thinking there was something wrong with the store.  Amy replied, "She's a foreigner".  I asked Amy how to say "I'm a foreigner" which is "wei go geen yeyo (sp?)".  This is what I'm going to say from now on.

Then we went to eat some food

dukbokki :)
fried vegetables, dumplings, seafood
soon dae which is pig organs - surprisingly yummy!

After that we walked back home because of the rain.  I used the internet and we watched some Korean TV.  OMG there is a game show call Running Man and it reminded me so much of X-Man and it was so funny!  Then I took a nap and woke up in time for dinner.  We went out to a restaurant that's famous for their traditional way of cooking fermented food.

kimchi tchi gae - my meal
smelly soypaste soup - yummy!
I will upload more food pictures on facebook!  After dinner we walked around and went to a park and haha Amy's mom called it "Korea's Central Park".  LOL but it's a very small park but the cool thing is that there is exercise equipment! 

This is only one of four different types of exercise equipments!
On Sunday, we woke up to a heavy rain but we headed to church anyway.  Amy's family believe in Christianity and as you all know I'm Agnostic.  The Church spoke only Korean but Amy was able to translate for me.  Everyone was very nice to me and asked me questions about New York.  The funny thing was some of Amy's friends thought I was Korean until I spoke English and that was when they realized that I'm a foreigner. 

It's definitely a weird feeling to be seen as a foreigner here.  People would look at me and ask Amy questions about me.  All I can do is smile and say "an nyong ha seyo".  The funny thing is that some people were surprised to hear that I'm from New York because I don't have blonde hair and blue eyes.  Some people didn't know that you can be both Chinese and American - Amy explained to them that my parents immigrated to America from Hong Kong and that I was born in New York. 

After church, the rain finally stopped and Amy and I headed to the movie theatre.  Unfortunately, the time slots didn't match us so we walked around the department store to purchase an umbrella for me - which I did for 17,500 won - this is my FIRST korean purchase (besides the bus ticket from the airport). 

We headed to a coffee shop afterwards and spent the time talking about Korean cultural shocks and Amy's cultural shock when she went to DePauw.  It was a lot of fun.  We headed home afterwards and I was able to skype with Raisa!

There's also Korean pancake and turkey meat but I don't want to add any more pis than I need to.
Amy's mom prepared a Korean meal and it was so yummy!  Here's a picture:

Amy's family is very nice and I'm going to miss them a lot.  Tomorrow, I check in to Ewha's Graduate Dorm!  I'm excited to see where I'll be living, who my roommate is and to start meeting exchange students!


1 comment:

  1. The airplane food looks delicious! The esculator is cool! Post more!
