Tuesday, November 23, 2010

63 Building!!!

Today after Korean class, Lisa and I met up and took the bus to the 63 Building.  Now I first heard of this building through a Korean drama and I learned that it was once the tallest building outside of North America but as of 2010 it is not even in the 100 top tallest buildings in the world.

Lisa and I purchased the Big 3 ticket (for 32,000 won) which includes admission to the aquarium, wax museum and sky art exhibition.

First off the aquarium!  It was so amazing!!  I love sea animals and I was surprised by how many they have.  My favorite part was seeing the sea otter because it was so lively and it was playing with his food!  Here are some pictures but as always, more pics on facebook or Picasa Web Album.

Asian style pic

I'm a penguin!! 

loggerhead turtle!

emperor penguin!

I found Nemo!

cutest otter ever!

feeding the otter!

they have Dr. Fish's fish there too!  They were biting my fingers!

First anchor I found in Korea :)



Then Lisa and I headed to the Wax Museum which was funny because they included Madame Toussad but it wasn't her museum at all...the wax figures weren't as detailed oriented.  The wax museum also had a lot of memorabilia from Hollywood movies and music albums.

Madame Toussad

Obama and I


Mao Ze Dong



frankenstein and I having a deep convo

beckham <3

Halfway through the museum, Lisa and I saw that they were showing 5D movies and so we decided to check it out since it only cost 1000 won.  We picked a scary movie called The Room and omg it was pretty scary!  The whole thing lasted 10 minutes and Lisa and I were the only people in the room.  We were screaming the whole time and my eyes were closed most of the time.  There really weren't a plot at all and no narration...just scary images and stuff.

5D glasses

After that, we headed to the Sky Art Exhibition which is located on the 60th floor.  They featured Pablo Picasso's art but Lisa and I weren't interested in that.  We were interested in seeing the sky view of the Seoul.

I really like this pic


Oh and here some pictures of the bathroom because it is amazinggggggggg

the sink!

The whole trip took around 3 hours.  It was a lot of fun.  I can't believe that there are so many things to do in just 1 building.  It was definitely a fun day :)

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