Thursday, November 18, 2010

Seoul Forest Park - October 31, 2010

So on October 31 (yes Halloween), I went to the Seoul Forest Park with Sheila and Katie.  It wasn't your typical forest at fact it's compared to NY's Central Park.  It's really gorgeous and I love it a lot!

Katie and I in front of the map

entrance to the park

Fountain show!

There were a lot of sculptures and places to take pics!

My favorite part of the park is the playground!  It's massive and nothing compared to the one at Central Park!

you have to walk up the stairs to use the slide!


rope course!

you can climb inside that!

and I did :)  I was the biggest kid :)

year of the snake baby!

They also have a deer park!  You can feed the deers for only 1000 won!!

Katie feeding the deers.

That day, was also the day of G20's Hi Seoul Walk a Thon where people signed up to walk for 12km and the end point was at the park.  We saw a lot of people walking and we decided to join in the fun!

we got certified :)

the certification

so tiring!

They had a big ceremony/performance for it so we decided to sit and watch but little did we know...

performance using jump ropes


The host came up to us because we were with Katie who looks very foreign (she's German) and told us all to go on stage.  We didn't know what was going on but we decided to do it!  He asked all of us to say something in Korean and then told us to pick a number.  We chose the number 2 and we had to dance in front of the audience!  It was embarrassing but fun as well!  At the end we all got a gift:

The prize :)  oh and look at everyone behind the prize..that's a lot of people in the audience!!

It was a fun day!  Seoul Forest Park is definitely one of my favorite places in Seoul!!

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