Tuesday, November 23, 2010

South Korea's Air Does Not Agree With Me :(

So South Korea's air is very dry and it's irritating my skin...so much that I'm getting red itchy bumps everywhere.  At first I thought they were some type of bug bite because they were itchy and bumpy but the bumps come and go...so I'm guessing it can't be that.  Then I figured that it's b/c the air is so dry here...

Here are 2 pics of the bumps on my arm:

I have them everywhere...face, legs, body...ugh!  It's so annoying!  So I went to Watson today and bought a lot of moisturizing lotion for both body, hand, and face...I'm serious.

I'm actually looking forward to leave Korea now because of my skin condition...it has never been this bad.  I'm going to go to the health service tomorrow to get a professional opinion!  Wish me luck!

UPDATE 11/24/2010

So I went to the health clinic today and wow they are way more efficient than DePauw's health clinic.  I just walked into the office and registered my name and then in less than 5 minutes I was called in to see the doctor.  Unfortunately my doctor didn't really know English and she didn't do a very thorough check on my bumps.  But she basically told me it's some sort of rash (didn't say where they come from) and prescribed some medicine.  Then I waited in the waiting room for my medicine and I was called in less than 3 minutes.  I told the pharmacist that I can't swallow pills so she mashed up all the pills for me!  So nice!!  I also got some ointment to put on after I shower.

Let's hope it works!!

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