Tuesday, November 23, 2010

EXTRA EXTRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT! North and South Korea Exchange Fire

Before I left America, my family members had told me not to go to South Korea because it's danger and they are still at war with North Korea.  However, I say that is stupid because they ceased fire even though they don't have a peace treaty.  No one really thinks about the war here in Korea anyway...

But today..."North and South Korea exchanged artillery fire... after dozens of shells fired from the North struck a South Korean island near the countries’ disputed maritime border, South Korean military officials said" (New York Times).

I asked my Korean friends and professors if I should be alarmed but they said to not worry....until they have plans to attack Seoul.  I'm not scared at all right now and I think I'm in good hands (I registered with the US Embassy before I came here) but I think this is worth blogging about.

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