Friday, November 26, 2010

WOOF WOOF! Dog Cafe :)

Today a bunch of friends and I headed to the dog cafe call Bau House Cafe.  Here are the directions by subway:

-Exit from Hapjeong Station (합정역) exit #3

-Walk straight ahead to first big intersection
-Turn right, walk straight ahead, over slight hill
-At Koryo restaurant, where the street bends left, turn right
-At the Praha Castle, turn left
-Walk straight ahead, Bau house is on the 3rd floor of a building on your left.

When we entered we immediately saw a really big dog but it was leaving with its owner so I couldn't play with it :(  First, we have to order a drink first (the cheapest drink is 5000 won).  After that, I set off to play with the dogs but we realized that the dogs don't come to you unless you have treats.  So I bought a packet of treats for 3500 won and OMG all the dogs surrounded me!  At first it was very exciting but they all got too excited and started jumping on me!  One of them began to nibble on my tummy but luckily I cut the treats in time and was able to hand out the treats.


There were a lot of dogs there!!  There were probably about 20-30 dogs...some of the dogs belong to the cafe, boarders or just visiting with their owners.  I didn't like the fact that we have to buy treats in order to play with the felt like bribery.  The dogs will literally walk away from you if you don't have any treats.  But it was a lot of fun and I will definitely do it again!!!!

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