Saturday, December 4, 2010

12/2 - Tea House fun with Korea class :)

I love love love my Korean class and 선생님(teachers)!!!  On Thursday after class, a group of us went to Insadong for some traditional Korean tea!

My Korean class:


what should we drink?

the table we used for our tea is actually a chest!!

giving us our tea from cool!

I had Chrysanthemum tea and other people had the 5 taste tea which was nasty.  Mine was special because it came in a special cup.  I had a cup with only the flower in it and water in a thermal cup.  So I had to pour water inside my flower cup then from there, I pour it into my drinking cup!  I really like the procedure :)

Tim is pouring tea for me...I look so evil :)

이 선생님 (Professor Lee) paid for our tea!  I can't believe she did that because the tea is expensive but we told her we'll treat her to lunch so we had mando (dumplings) at a restaurant near the tea house.

It was delicious :)

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