Sunday, December 26, 2010

Exploration of Lamma Island and Harry Potter!

Today, my aunt, grandpa and I went out to explore Lamma Island.  We currently live in Sok Kwu Wan and we hiked over to Yuen Shoi Wan.  It was a really nice hike and the weather was good.

We arrived in Yuen Shoi area after 30 minutes hike.  First we passed by a really nice beach - it'll be so nice to go in the summer time.  Then we settled at a Turkish Kebab restaurant for lunch.  After hiking some more we had more street food: satay, corn on a cob, and my fave: dun fu fa: I'm not sure how to describe it: the texture is soft like tofu but it's a sweet dessert.

Then we headed to Lamma Winds to see wind mills but there was only 1.  I was a bit disappointed but it was a nice view.  We hiked back to Sok Kwu Wan.

Now it's 7pm and I'm watching TV while my aunt rests.  We're going to take the ferry out at 8:30 to meet up with my uncle and godsister and we're going to watch Harry Potter :)

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