Monday, December 20, 2010

in Hong Kong and I'm sick :(

I arrived in Hong Kong on Saturday (12/18) and boy was it a long plane ride.  First I had a layover in Shanghai and it was the most annoying transfer ever!  I had to go through customs and fill out the arrival card and leave the concourse/gate area and then enter through security again! Luckily I had 2 hours there or it would've been very hectic!  I was starving but I couldn't find any fast food places.  They had restaurants but by the time I arrived at my gate I only had 30 minutes left and I don't want to rush through my food.

I arrived in Hong Kong at 6:20 but I had to go through customs and get my luggage so I was finally done at around 7ish.  When I went through the gates, I didn't see my uncle or grandpa!  I was pretty nervous and circled the area a few times.  Finally I asked a lady if I can borrow her cell to call my uncle but she didn't let me.  Luckily my mom gave me some HK money before I left NY so I exchanged my bill for some coins and used the payphone.  My uncle was at the different arrival gate so I waited until they came.

I was so happy to see my uncle, aunt and grandpa!  The last time I saw them was 6 years ago!!  After we hugged and took pictures we took the train and taxi to a restaurant near the harbor.  We had hotpot for dinner and it was amazing!

Afterwards we took the boat to Lamma Island where I'll be staying for a few weeks. 

On Sunday (12/19) my grandpa and I went out to see my aunt.  We had dim sum and then we took the subway to Jordan to see my cousin (he's my aunt's stepson which makes him my cousin but I've only seen him once in my life and don't remember him at all) and his babies.  Man, my cousin is rich!  He lives in a very fancy apartment that looks like a hotel!  They even have a concierge!!  When we went to his apartment, I saw that he has 2 maids..2!!!  His daughters were so adorable!

There's really not much to say for Sunday or today because I'm sick.  On Sunday I woke up with a really bad headache and I already had a bad cough on Saturday.  I shouldn't have gone out on Sunday because I got worse then. 


Today I pretty much spent the whole day in bed and took a lot of medicine.  I really hope I get better by tomorrow because I don't want to spend my time here being sick!  My grandpa has been so sweet and stayed at Lamma Island for me and is taking care o me!

Hope I get better soon!

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