Friday, December 17, 2010


Today was my last full day in Korea.  Actually, I should say, my last full day in Korea for the semester because today is not my last day forever.  I will definitely be back in Korea - seriously.  There is no doubt in my mind because Korea is now my second home.  I love the country, the people, the language, the culture, the food - everything!  I even know how to read/write and speak/listen - well not fluently but enough to get by!

I've spent the past few days (Weds, Thurs, and Fri) buying and packing.  I didn't do any sightseeing because I've done everything that I wanted to do in Korea and I don't want to stress out with packing and stuff.  I mailed 2 boxes to Indiana and OMG it costs a lot of money!!

Today I woke up at around 11ish, quickly took a shower and then went out to eat lunch with my roommate Ai, Yuka and their Japanese and Korean friends.  There were 8 of us and they took me to eat this amazing Korean meal that I've never heard of!  It was so good and the company was definitely interesting.  They can all speak Korean really well and most of the time I just sat there, smile and nod but they were nice to me and we had a good conversation.

Afterwards, I went back to my dorm and went to the post office to mail another box and a lot of postcards/letters.  Then I headed to Insadong to buy last minute souvenirs.  Mary then came from JeonJu (3 hours train ride) to say goodbye to me!  It was so sweet!  Lisa, Mary, Amy and I met up and went to All About 茶 for well obviously, tea and cake!

I'm so glad I got to see Mary and Amy (well not really Lisa cus I'll see her when I go back to Gcastle) because I don't know when I'll see them again but I'll definitely see them again!

Amy and Lisa had to leave early so Mary and I stayed to talk some more.  Then Moo Bin came to give me a proper goodbye and she gave me presents!  I'm really going to miss that girl - she's been such a darling!

Then I gave Mary a mini tour of Ewha and my dorm because man it's a beautiful dorm!  Afterwards, Mary and I went to Uniqlo in Sinchon so I can do some last minute shopping.  I really love Mary.  She's such a sweetheart and she's been so nice to me.  She's my Delta Gamma sister for life and I'm really glad I got to see her twice in Korea!  Mary left to take the train back to JeonJu (she took a 6 hour train ride just to come say goodbye to me!!!) and I went back to my dorm.

I packed, said more goodbyes and then panicked because in Asia - the airlines don't weight each luggage separately.  They have to both equal 20kg.  I have 2 suitcases and they each weight America that won't be a problem but here it is.  I'm really afraid of how much I'll have to pay extra.  I've been throwing away a lot of things but still...most of what I have are souvenirs!

Now it's 3:15am.  I've been blogging all night and now I'm going to head downstairs and stay up chatting with my loves!

Update: 4:35am
So I'm too old to pull an allnight.  Instead I went to Yuka's room and chatted for awhile with Ai, Yuka and Constance.  This is very special because on my first night ever at Ewha, I had dinner with Ai and Constance and then dessert with Yuka.  These are the 3 people I met on my first day here and these are the 3 people I saw tonight :)

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