Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Korean Class - Farewell Party :(

I've mentioned this many times, but my Korean class and I are very close because we see each other everyday.  Today was the last day of the Korean final (and my last final for the semester).  After the final (I finished at 10am), I quickly went back to my dorm to take a very needed 4 hours nap.  I woke up at 3:30 and met up with Carol, Tim and Windie to buy the cards, snacks, cake, etc for the farewell party.

The party was held at ECC (I booked the room :)) at 5:30.  김 선생님 couldn't come because her mother-in-law showed up to her room unexpectedly.  Althought she couldn't make it, she gave presents to 이 선생님 to give to us:

Everyone else showed up late but the first order of business: write notes of farewell to everyone in the class:

haha everyone is hard at work writing cards!!

Here is a picture of my card:

While people were writing cards, we all took pictures with each other.  This is going to be a long post but here's a picture of me with everyone in the class:

Hannah - my 어머니 - from HK!

windie 씨 - from HK!

Ayaka 씨 - from Japan!

Edwina 씨 - from Taiwan!

캐롤 씨 - from HK!

Jin 씨 - from Canada!

Katrina 씨 - from the Phillipines! 

Quili 씨 - from China!

Seaniese 씨 - from NJ, USA

Akashata 씨 - from India

Tim 씨 - from HK!

Maria 씨 - from Spain!

이 선생님
with both 이 and 김 선생님!

Also, we cut the cake and 이 선생님 did the honors.  It was so cute, everyone took pictures of her doing it...like she was a celebrity.

Then we gave her our farewell present to her: a photo album of the class!  We made the same copy for  김 선생님.  이 선생님 was very touched and I think she almost cried.

Akshata and Quili gave us presents!  They were so sweet!

After everyone finished writing the cards (it was around 7:30) we played charades - our class favorite - it really helps in memorizing Korean vocabulary.  It was so much fun!  These are pictures of 이 선생님 playing charades!

Then we ordered dinner - pizza and chicken!!  Not my fave - but hey it's food and we were all starving!

While we ate, we played several games of mafia which was a lot of fun as usual!

After 3 rounds, it was getting late (10:30) and some people had to go.  So we cleaned up and left ECC.  It was really sad to say goodbye forever to some of my classmates...especially 이 선생님!!

However - 10:30 is not late for some of us!  We all went to Tim and Windie's room for a second round of the farewell party - with soju and sake!  We talked and played more games until 4am...it was tiring but none of us really wanted to leave because we didn't want it to end.

I will always cherish and remember the memories I've made with 우리 반:

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