Saturday, December 4, 2010


OMG, so I only have 2 weeks left and boy oh's such a weird feeling.  So although I do tourist things like sightseeing and I always have my camera with me, I don't feel like a tourist at all.  Korea is my second's more of a home than Hong Kong!  I am well adjusted here and I love it here.  I love the shops, the culture, the food, the people, everything!  It feels weird knowing that in just 2 weeks I'll be gone...

However, unlike other exchange students, my study abroad experience isn't over when I leave here.  I'm heading to Hong Kong, Vietnam and Thailand.  My vacation continues...I'm excited to go to Hong Kong and to see my family but at the same time, I'm sad to leave Korea.  Ahhhhh!!!!!

I will definitely visit Korea again...and hey who knows...maybe one day I will end up working here for awhile...after all I've always wanted to work for MTV Korea.

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