Saturday, December 11, 2010

Party at Youna's Place

Today, Windie, Claire, Carol, Hannah (all Hong Kong girls) and I headed to Yeokgok which is just a bit out of Seoul to Youna Kim's home!  Youna is a Korean girl I met through Windie and it was so sweet of her to invite us to her home for dinner! We brought a tiramisu cake as a gift and headed to the train station.  It took about 40 minutes to get to the train station.  Unfortunatley, we went in 2 groups so Carol, Hannah and I waited for Claire and Windie to get here.  Youna's mom was going to leave at 6pm and Windie and Claire arrived at 5:15.  So we quickly took a cab to her home from the train station.

Youna's mom is so young and pretty looking!  She's a housewife and seems like a really good housewife, a bit like the American soccer food.  She prepared a lot of food for us and was so kind!

Youna also gave us a tour of her home.  She home is so spacey and nice!

Youna's room

Kimchee fridge!

dishwasher is located on top of the cabinets...

ancient microwave!

this is a rice container, if you press a button on top it will give you the right amount of rice for one person

Then we played a series of games...the dead pic game (it's quite popular in Korea right now, a bunch of people just pretend to be dead and take pictures of themselves). Here's a really good one on the internet:

Here are a bunch of our dead pics...yeah we totally failed.

We tried to learn how to play Go Stop (Korean gambling game) but Youna doesn't know how to play.  We searched online for the rules and instructions but it was still too hard to understand.  At the end we gave up...

hen we basically sat around and talked and played some Truth or Dare - very girly :)

I picked dare...

I had a lot of fun!  We also gave a Youna a card for being so sweet!  I'm really going to miss her!

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