Friday, December 10, 2010

Farewell Party 2 - Global Campus Leader

I was selected as an Ewha Global Campus Leader in mid-September.  Here is some information about being a Global Campus Leader:

The EwhGlobal Campus Leader is a group of foreign student volunteers, offering promotion activities that allows a glimpse of true Ewha of 124-year history.
 Ewha Communications Office recruits active and committed foreign students who are eager to be the member of Ewha Global Campus Leader. The Ewha Global Campus Leader provides diverse experiences including the chance to meet various people and a strong sense of pride to be part of Ewha Community.
 The members of Ewha Global Campus Leader are invited as the student delegates representing Ewha Womans University at important school events.
In order to be selected, I had to fill out an application and talk about my passion for Ewha.  We met a few times during the semester to learn more about Ewha.  The main reason for why I joined was because I wanted to know other exchange students but most importantly for the free presents!   They gave us a green Ewha hoodie and claimed they they will give us a full farewell package of Ewha goodies at our farewell party ...which I'll talk about later.

So today, was the farewell party at 4pm right after the closing ceremony for Ewha.  Not all the leader showed up and the ceremony was quite lame.

First Gina Cho gave her farewell remarks.

Then we were called up one by one to get our certification and present.  Instead of a full care package we just got a towel.  I heard that last year they received a whole goodie bag of Ewha stuff including a mug which I really wanted!  I mean I'm glad that I still received something but I can't help but feel jipped.

Afterwards we were free to leave but of course before that we took some pics :)

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